One Month Left

 Roads You Would Never Want To Drive On - World News

If there has been one thing that I have learned throughout my time as a Comm student, it’s that whatever life has in store for you won’t be easy, but it will be worth it. To be completely honest I am less than a month out from my graduation and I am extremely anxious. I know when I tell a professor that they always ask what is on my mind and/or why am I. “You should be excited. It’ll all work out. You will be alright.” are just some of the things that these teachers tell me. But there are so many question marks in my life for post-graduation that I can’t help but be nervous. As a student my professors have all worked with me and given me the tools and skills I need to succeed.

                What the future looks like for me is another question that has really been on my mind these past few weeks. Mainly because I have found that with my degree there isn’t really a direct pathway to follow like if I was a stem major. However, some useful things to keep in my mind skills such as how to network, and how to write a proper targeted cover letter. These among other things of course. I just think that its crazy to think that one of the bigger parts of networking is just being genuine with people. If someone needs help you should help them and not really expect anything in return. Down the line when that person needs something or possibly has an opportunity for you, they will reach out because you helped them and that is the impression that you left in their mind. In tandem with this idea of being nice another very useful thing is to have a very good mentor. A once read in a book a quote that read “If you show me your mentor, you’ll show me your future.” Ever since I read that, it’s been stuck in the back of my mind, and it wasn’t until a couple days ago when I read in class that having a good mentor can be an integral part of your future success. Having that person to guide you along your journey and keep you focused on what you are setting out to do can further push you along in your journey. Another skill that stuck out to me is the ability to write a strong targeted cover letter. It’s something that a lot of people don’t really realize is something big. Its on the side of the research, it pays to know who you are trying to work for and who is trying to hire you. Using keywords and phrases on the job itself and possibly words that are in alignment with the company’s mission can go a long way.

                So, what’s next for me? The goal is to work for an esports organization in some way or another. This could mean working in the production, marketing, business, or social media areas of the organization. Eventually the dream is to work for 100 Thieves. They have been one of my favorite esports organizations since their creation in 2017. Honestly, I think that the way that I can get into this industry is through networking. The gaming and streaming community really oriented me towards that. Streaming is all about making connections for collaborate streams or events. And one of those people could hold the keys to the doors I am trying to go through. I through one of these classes assignments I was able to find someone that I can say has been a great help in pushing me towards the right direction and even going as far as to get me in contact with some of the people from the organization that I want to be a part of.

                Honestly, I just want to graduate and get out into the world because I know that armed with the skills that I have been gifted while attending this school I can achieve just about anything I set my mind to. So, it’s no longer a question of if I am ready but, are they ready for me?  



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